Gum Disease Part 1: Introduction

Sleep Dentistry Defined is at the forefront of the dental field when it comes to treating and even reversing gum disease. Thanks to some key advancements in medical technology, this common disease isn’t something we have to live with anymore! With just a few hours of light laser surgery, followed by mindful care of the treated area, we can restore gums and bone affected by gum disease!

As you can imagine, this is a highly skilled process that only the most experienced dentists offer. And I know all my patients might not be as excited about new dental procedures as I am! But I do like to share my knowledge with patients who are interested so that they are fully informed and can get the very best care for their needs.

With that as an introduction, I’ll be sharing more about the Sleep Dentistry Defined approach to treating gum disease over the next few months. I’ll start today by covering the basics of gum disease – what it is, who it affects, and common symptoms. Then in future installments, I’ll talk more about our unique approach to gum restoration, and finally, I’ll share one of the key pieces of technology that we use here at Sleep Dentistry Defined.

You won’t want to miss it! Especially if you’re like me and love dental technology. (You should see the titles of my favorite magazines!)

-Dr Heath Lampee, DMD

Heath Lampee, DMD